Feel the Magic!!!
1 Persons $380.00 + GSC
2 Persons $420.00 + GSC
For the 6 hrs trip +$160.00 & GSC
Gas Service Charge (GSC):
4hrs Fly fishing
1 pax $25
2 pax $25
6hrs Fly fishing
1 pax $30
2 pax $30
This is a shout-out to all fly-fishing fanatics who must get to know Puerto Rico Fly Fishing Charters, and what we have to offer. For starters, we provide you with the most well-known and, obviously the, best equipment on the market. Our fly rods include TFO (Mangrove Edition) with Tibor reels. The flies we offer you are equally as impressive, Enrico’s Flies and Rays Flies, to name just two. Also, our Captains are skilled in creating our customers' own unique flies according to their specifications, a truly personal touch that's hard to come by!
Depending on the season, our fly-fishers will be using different types of rods which will include 5wt's, 8wt's, 10wt's and 12wt's. We use Intermediate and Floating lines. As for boat capacity, we recommend no more than 2 persons per boat. We're proud to say that we have quite a large concentration of juvenile Tarpon in our lagoons, (5 to 20 lbs), but, every once in a while, a 40 to 100 pounder will make an appearance. You just never know! The most favorable weather condition for Tarpon fishing in Puerto Rico, believe it or not, is just the right amount of rain. Our local Tarpon love the rain!
We always recommend the 4 hrs morning trip , due to the fact that the wind is at a minimum, which makes it so much easier for our customers to execute a successful cast. You'll be amazed when you actually get to see the Tarpon rolling on the water's surface. The lagoon waters are what's known as "brackish", a mixture of salt and fresh water, so you'll find the color of the water to be brown. Also, you'll do some blind casting when fishing for Tarpon in Puerto Rico. It is very important that you can make a cast over 50 ft so we can improve our odds.
• Beverages (water and sodas)
• Puerto Rico Fishing Licenses
• Fly rod and reels*
• Flys
• Captain approved by the USCG
• Boat approved by the USCG and the Government of PR
• Boat fully insured
* Service charge of $125.00 imposed for any damage to fly rods. If fly rod is lost in the water by the customer have to paid full cost of a replacement.