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Reef Fishing

Here are Magic Tarpon we're always looking for new and exciting activities to pick our customers' interest, and we think we've found just the thing! We're now offering the different, but ever-popular, service of what's called ""Reef Fishing"". Of course, included in that service is our favorite spot known to local fishermen as ""La Piedra"" (The Rock), due to its rock-like protrusion jutting from the surface of the reef itself.

The depth surrounding this reef varies, starting from 90', on to 68', and finishing off at 120'. As a result of these changes in depth, a huge variety of fish are found. To name just a few, you'll see Barracudas, Jacks, Yellow Tail, Snapper, King Fish (The world record was caught in San Juan, Puerto Rico!), Cero Mackerel, African Pampano, Bonitos, Black Fin Tunas and, of course, Sharks.

Magic Tarpon offers the service of reef fishing when sea conditions allow us to do so. If, by chance, the conditions are not favorable, and our Captain is forced to cancel that particular trip... not to worry!...a quick change of plans, and you're off to either Torrecilla or San Jose Lagoon, where the waters are always calm, and some serious Tarpon fishing can be enjoyed!

Reef Fishing is quite a different sport

We will remind you that reef fishing is quite a different sport. The boat is in constant movement, lots of rolling and ups and downs! So, if anyone in your group tends to get seasick, precautions should be taken ahead of time. We hope that our customers heed and take this advice, as the cost of the trip is non-refundable due to seasickness.

Also we are fishing the beaches of Isla Verde. The action there has been absolutely awesome, to say the least. We've been hooking those Barracudas, African Pampanos, Snappers, Snook, Tarpons, Jacks and Cero Mackerels.

So there you have it folks, something a bit out of the ordinary! Come and join us, and give it a try!

Puerto Rico Reef Fishing

Prices 4 hrs trip:

1 person $340.00 + GSC
2 persons $375.00 + GSC
3 persons $415.00 + GSC
4 persons $475.00 + GSC

Gas Service Charge (GSC):

Reef fishing 4hrs
1 or 2 pax $10 
3pax $15
4 pax $20 

Reef fishing 6hrs
1 or 2 pax $15
3 pax $20
4 pax $30

Puerto Rico Reef Fishing